City tour!

Hősök tere

Flat Search Event vol. 8

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Tax appointment – 9th September 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Immigration Office Visiting Hour – 11 Sept 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

All new students who can already prepare their necessary documents are welcome to this event! Check this page for more info: For those of you who did not need a visa to come to Hungary, please follow the steps on this page and you will only need to come to record your biometric data: […]

TAJ appointment – 12 Sept 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

TAX ID distribution – 12 Sept 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

For those of you who submitted your TAX ID applications before, you can come and collect your ID numbers. We're sending out email invitations to those of you whose document is ready to collect!

Flat Search Event vol. 10

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

City Tour vol. 2

Zero Kilometer Stone Clark Ádám tér, Budapest, Hungary

We'll have short walk around Buda Castle and then grab a drink somewhere nearby! We wish to see as many of you as possible

Flat Search Event vol. 9

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary