Visiting Hours (Visit Hostel)

If you are facing with accommodation-related issues, feel free to meet us during our visiting hours at Visit Hostel. Share your questions and doubts and let's take the pressure off together. Address: Budapest, Vásárhelyi Pál u. 2, 1114

TAJ Application – 29 March 2019

Ground Floor of Building E, BME

We're staying in building E for 4 hours to collect your applications. See you there!

TAJ Appointment – 11 April 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Our next TAJ appointment will be held in our brand new Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office, located on the ground floor of Building R. See you there!

Beach Time at BALATON

We'll be meeting at Budapest Kelenföld train station at 10 am and take the 10.33 train to Balatonkenese! Total cost: around 3000 HUF. For more info, check the following Facebook events:

Accommodation visiting hour – 7 Aug 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Accommodation visiting hour – 8 Aug 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

TAJ appointment – 21 Aug 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary