TAJ Appointment – 11 April 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Our next TAJ appointment will be held in our brand new Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office, located on the ground floor of Building R. See you there!

TAJ appointment – 21 Aug 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

TAJ appointment – 4 September 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

TAX number distribution

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Tax appointment – 9th September 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

Immigration Office Visiting Hour – 11 Sept 2019

Stipendium Hungaricum Student Office - R10 - left hand side corridor on the ground floor of building R Műegyetem rkp. 9, 1111, Budapest, Hungary

All new students who can already prepare their necessary documents are welcome to this event! Check this page for more info: https://www.imt.bme.hu/immigration-office/ For those of you who did not need a visa to come to Hungary, please follow the steps on this page and you will only need to come to record your biometric data: […]